Physical Characteristics: There are 9 species of bats that are most frequently found in our area. Bats are the only mammal with webbed wings making them capable of true and sustained flight. Different species differ in size but in our area, they tend to average between 2-6” in length.
Diet: Most bats are are insectivores and frugivors, feeding mainly on fruit and insects at night. Bats are an important part of our ecosystem as they effectively control the insect population.
Breeding: Females can give birth one to three times per season and tend to roost in familiar locations.
Habitat: Bats can be found on almost every habitat available on Earth. Although bats are nocturnal, they are most active during the twilight hours. Bats usually appear during the early spring months to find new sites for summer homes. Due to their bone flexibility, bats can enter any dwelling with an open space of 3/8” or larger and are frequently found in attics, chimneys and rake boards.
Inspections: The first thing to do in wildlife control is a proper inspection. We will determine if bats are the problem. The most common evidence of bat infestation is fecal droppings (A large amount of bat droppings can cause the growth of histoplasmosis, a fungus which can cause lung disease in humans). Other signs can be smudging on the exterior of the building. hearing noises at night and sighting bats around your property.
Trapping: There are various ways to remove bats from your property. Because bats are protected under the NJ Non-game and Endangered Species Conservation Act, we can not remove bats from May 1 through July 31st. During this time juveniles are unable to fly and seek food for themselves. Once bats are removed from the premises, we will take appropriate measures to seal up entry points to prevent re-infestation.
Contact a Cavanaugh’s office near you to rid your home of bat infestions.
Freehold: 800-362-2282, Flanders 800-332-2036, Somerville 877-362-2282